A Window into My LIfe

To provide a glimpse of who I am- you can choose to respond or move on- kind of like window shopping. . .

Monday, January 02, 2006

Update on Being 30

Okay, so I am not 100% thoroughly convinced that I like being 30. I think it is more the stigma attached to the number than anything else. I have had several friends turn 30 over the last few months and one of them enlightened me about her take on turning 30. I like it so much that I decided to embrace this philosophy and pass it along to you.

What does being 30 mean to me? Well, the most important thing (thanks to Amy) is that I know who I am and where I fit into the world. I'm not in that "still trying to figure out" stage. I am confident in who I am- Memphian, single, singer, friend, sister, daughter, banker, etc. Although we all want to be accepted, I have figured out the type of people I want to seek acceptance from and those I don't. I have realized that I like people that are confident in themselves versus those that are self-depricating. I know how I like to dress and what I want my clothes and my appearance to say about myself. I'm not ashamed to admit that I like Tiffany's jewelry but also love to buy cheap, trendy jewelry too. I love bargain shopping and hate paying full price for anything!! I dye my hair blonde and splurge on going to a good hair salon.

Being 30 is about celebrating who you have become and about using the gifts and talents that God has blessed you with 1) for His honor and glory, 2) to continue in your own self development (and not self determination), and 3) to give back to your community.

Thank you, Amy, for giving me a new outlook on being 30. If only we could convince people to call it 20-10!!!


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