A Window into My LIfe

To provide a glimpse of who I am- you can choose to respond or move on- kind of like window shopping. . .

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Did you ever wonder???

Over 3 weeks ago, I moved from Oakland (little town) to Memphis (big town). My sister and I moved into a house in the East Memphis area known as Colonial Acres. The houses are about 50 years old and have lots of charm. Friday night, I hosted our Bunko group over for our monthly game. It was our second time to entertain at the new house and as people came in, we took them around the house for a tour.

Later on, I was thinking about the tradition of taking people around your home when it is their first time to be there. How did this tradition get started? Isn't it amazing how this tradition has continued over the years?

It is the little traditions that hopefully will never die out. We don't know how it got started but are thankful that it is part of our society.

I wonder what other traditions are ingrained in our every day lives that we never think about, but that have been going on for years and years?


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